Behavioral Markers for Work Interruptions

Author’s Note: Trying a new format. Tell me what you think!
350 Words | ~3.5 Minute Read
The very best teams plan how they play, and how they recover when things go wrong!
There are observable repeatable behaviors exhibited by High Performing teams, called Behavioral Markers!
By documenting the behavioral markers you empower your teams and organization to mutually improve.
This should include markers both the good times and during disruptions!
Check out this set of Behavioral Markers, now including Disruption Behaviors!
Reach out to Dan Walsh for more on Scaling Agile Mindset with Behavioral Markers, from whom I first learned about Behavioral Markers!
I read about how a Toyota Factory handles work disruptions in Wiring the Winning Organization, which sparked the expansion.
For Disruptions, I advocate for the following behavioral markers:
Recommended Behaviors
- For Every kind of Disruption:
1. Finish WIP as much as you can (Flow Like Water), BEFORE diverting to any other Behavior ; see also Effectively Onboarding as a Junior Dev
2. Do NOT pick up NEW WIP!
3. Review Disruption SOP (e.g. this list or similar)
4. Start Monitoring Disruption Duration - Activities by Disruption Duration (progress thru the List as Timer runs)
- 0 - 15m - Don’t Lose Task Working-Memory
- Get up and Stretch
- Clean your physical Workspace desk
- Document your work (Comments, Documentation, Instrumentation)
- 15 - 30m - Stay within Task Zone, but expect Resumption Tax
- Add some Tests Given-When-Then or similar post on testing.
- Review/Capture SOP (Your Supported Technologies, Team Working Agreement, Project Charter, Ramp-up Dossier etc.)
- Install/Check for Dependency updates
- 30 - 90m - Resumption Tax unavoidable, can work further afield.
- Inform Team/Leader of disruption,
- Defer to Leader’s decision next actions (Swarm, Pivot, or Other)
- Absent instruction:
- Refactor per best practices, Upgrade core dependencies
- Review Sprint Goal, and Action Items for this Sprint
- Process/Self Improvement (Training, read a book, run an experiment)
- Significant Disruption (e.g. 90m +) - Work is stalled, prepare to swarm, or pivot
- Escalate Issue, start making noise, and get instruction/help from Ladders
- Begin Swarming the problem with your Team if in your area
- Or Pivot, per your Leader, to next-highest-value improvement
- 0 - 15m - Don’t Lose Task Working-Memory